Those who have not handed in your consent forms or have only gotten it today, please hand it in tomorrow.

Duty List for Student Leaders’ Investiture
OI/C: Ng Li Hui (303)
2nd I/C: Li Kai (303)

Gina Ng Sock Yee(I/C) (302)
Lau Wai Cheong Shawn (207)
Jowell Tan (109)
Yong Jun Yuan (109)

Lin Wei Xiang(I/C) (309)
Curtain Side
Perry Wang (303)
Eugene Tay (211)
Lim Yew Shen (202)
Computer control side
Jonathan Halim (105)
Goh Shi Jie Michelle (110)

Su Xian Cheng (108)
Lisa Lim (207)
Lee Ming Jun (211)

Daniel Lee Kitt Yew(207)
Austin Kot (109)