Splash Awards

Splash Awards is here again!

Jointly organised by the SCS Student Chapter and IDA, it seeks to encourage the development of innovative heritage-based or inspired mobile applications for platforms such as Android, Blackberry, iOS iPhone/iPad, Symbian and Windows Phone. The challenge is based on one of the two broad topics.

The first topic focuses on mobile applications that function as learning/guiding aids for students and tourists based on the National Heritage Board’s Heritage Trails, National Museums and/or National Monuments.

The second topic focuses on mobile applications that contribute towards making the learning of heritage a more fun and enjoyable experience based on Singapore’s history and/or the Ministry of Education’s history curriculum.

Indeed, this national IT competition provides an invaluable platform to engage students in the various aspects of infocomm technology in a fun and creative way!

Note: Students have to think about either tourism/history to aid learning about heritage. So Splash Award groups pls start thinking about ur ideas quick