What's Your Transport Story Video Competition

Hi Club. Please take note of the following competition.

What's Your Transport Story?

Share your story, see it come alive in a short film & be mentored by established filmmakers!

Ever witnessed or experienced a moving graciousness story on public transport that has tugged at your heartstrings? Loved that warm fuzzy feeling? You can now spread that same happiness you felt.


1. Form a team of 3 to 5 students.
2. Write a synopsis for a 1-minute film in not more than 400 words. The film should encourage graciousness on public transport in an interesting and catchy manner!
3. Submit your synopsis and registration form to whatsyourtransportstory@objectiffs.com.sg by 30 April 2013.

For more details, click here.

Do take note that for the first round of this competition, you are ONLY required to submit the brief synopsis of the video. Hence, you are all strongly encouraged to form your teams and join this competition. However, do remember that the deadline for this competition is 30 April 2013, which is the end of this month, so interested teams should start brainstorming on their ideas. Anybody who is interested, please form your teams of up to 3-5 people and inform me ASAP! Thanks.