Student Leaders Investiture 2024

Hi Club, please check if you are on duty for the Student Leaders Investiture 2024. Please be punctual for duty and inform your IC with a valid reason if you are going to be late. If you are unable to make it for any of the days, please inform Jiayi or Rachel immediately. Thank you.


Date: 30 April 2024

Time: 2.45 - 5.30pm

Reporting time: 2.45pm

Venue: Hall

Personnel: Hall PA


Date: 6 May 2024

Time: 1.45pm - 2.35pm (during assembly)

Reporting time: 12pm (PA), 1.25pm (Media)

Venue: Hall

Personnel: Hall PA & media

Hall PA

3rd floor PA

Dan Meng Pin (303) (IC)

Comp side

Gao Zhaoyi (304) (IC)

Kenji Ng Kai Jie (205)

Curtain side 

Joshua Tan Rui Kai (302) (IC)



Chan Hong Ming (306) (IC) -- 5D + 70-200mm (f2.8) lens

Sam Zhan Heng (201) -- 800D


Yap Wen Hui Valerie (308) (IC) -- 800D + tripod

Candy Wong Yi Xuan (101) -- 700D + tripod (3rd Floor)


Chen Zirong (309) (IC) -- R10